Payroll Software

  • Payroll Experts
  • 90 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • ATO Approved Single Touch Payroll (STP) Software
  • Quickest Software to Learn, Easiest Software to Use
  • Data Migration & Reconciliation
  • Quick Feature Introduction
  • Free Training & Help
  • ISO 27001 Level Security with Azure

Payroll Experts

We know payroll inside out. We (through AccXite) have been providing Payroll Bureau services to the Aged Care industry since 2011 using our own software. Our director is an ex Chartered Accountant who acted as CFO for many aged care facilities before turning his attention to the software industry.

90 Day Money Back Guarantee

We provide a 90-day money-back guarantee. Therefore, even if you don't want to commit to our software, you can test it with no risks to you. If you don't like it, you can just walk away and we return 100% of your payment.

In the invoice, we will clearly tell you the expiry date of the money-back guarantee. If you want to use it, all you need to do is email your invoice asking for the refund on or before that day to Can we make it any easier than that?

ATO Approved Single Touch Payroll (STP) Software

AccXite Software is an ATO approved Single Touch Payroll (STP) software.

You can use AccXite to send Single Touch Payroll Software reports direct to the ATO. There is no need to jump hoops with various software providers to send reports to the ATO.

Quickest Software to Learn, Easiest Software to Use

One of our main design goals is to make the software the fastest to learn and easiest to use. You can learn how to use the software in less than 5 minutes. We achieved this incredible feat by ensuring the same team was involved from the conception process to the design process and then the development process.

Data Migration & Reconciliation

We convert the data from your existing software. We don’t just import the opening balances. We import every single record that you might require to check on the payroll, which includes sick, annual leave history, rate history, and hours worked. After importing we reconcile them. As we import everything, there is no need to keep your old software or records saving you from paying other subscription fees. You can check your records just like you would check the records you entered into our own records. It’s seamless and painless.

We can convert data from software even if you can’t export them manually. We have the technical know-how on how to do this without too much interruption on your part.

Quick Feature Introduction

You ask for a feature and most of the time, we will deliver it overnight. When you are working on payroll, if you need something you want it now and we understand that and deliver on it.

Free Training & Help

The software is so intuitive to use. We can explain it to you in 5 minutes. We are aware of competition who makes complicated software and charge you for training. It doesn't make sense. With us, there are no additional costs for the training.

We also provide tons of videos, interactive tutorials, and articles in addition to phone and online chat support.

ISO 27001 Level Security with Azure

Every year we go through the ATO's security assessment to ensure that our security leaves anything to chance. With ISO 27001 Level security and Azure hosting in Australian Data Servers (in Melbourne and in Sydney) your data is safe and secure with us.

Save with our bundle offers

You will save even more if you subscribe to our full set of products. Please contact us for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is the industry leading Resident Agreement Software. You can read more about it here

We can convert from any of the providers very quickly. The best thing is you don't need to wait for the conversion to start using the software. We will let you know once the conversion is completed and you can continue using the software.

All our invoices are for an annual subscription and start on the day you start using our software.

Yes, we increase the fees by the same % the departement daily care fees increases every 6 months in October and in March. This ensures not only our service is vialbe but also by matching with the department fee increase period, the effect on the you is negligible.

If you are purchasing the Resident Agreement, Resident Invoicing, Payroll and Roster we will work out a discount for you.

We also provide discounts on your fees if you provide warm leads (terms and conditions apply).

Our data centres are in in Australia only. Your data is saved in Microsoft's Azure Data Centres in Melbourne and in Sydney.

Our software is surprisingly easy to use. It takes 2 minutes to learn our software and around 10 minutes for the initial set-up.

Once you set it up, you are going to wonder why you didn't move your roster to our system soon.

We are flexible enough for you to move at any time. This is because we convert data from your existing software to ours including historical data.

We might be biased but we think our software is the easiest to use. We put in a lot of effort to ensure that the software is the easiest to use.

You should give it a go especially when there is a 90-day money-back guarantee.

Yes. Licences are based on facilities. You need to buy a licence for each facility. You can use the same email address to access them all easily and can share EBA rates and other common items between them.
No. The licence is assigned to the ABN and therefore not transferable.

Congratulations. You have made the right choice for you and your business. Please click here to get started.

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The Cloud Aged Care Software

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